Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Today I wanted to change things around on my blog.I started this blog a while ago but didn't really get into it.I have been trying to bring in customers to my shops and but I didn't know how so I started researching. Found out that a blog is the way to go.So here I am, I will start by telling you a little bit about myself. I am a wife and a loving mother to a boy who I love immensely. My love of making hand made things began the day I found out I was pregnant.My husband being old fashion and worried thinking that by me being pregnant I would break I decided to quit working. Since being home I was always bored I started to take up painting I got really good at it. Then as I began to create things like my anniversary veil and so forth, the love of creating was born. Now I have my own online stores and do modeling on the side which will be another topic for another day. .